The Path To Happy Virtual Event
Helping Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Healers create a Happy, Fulfilling and Peaceful Life using the The Happy Method™
Whether it is a more fulfilling life you want or bigger profits the The Happy Method™ will help.
Register Today
Saturday, November 6th, 9-5pm Pacific Time
It is time to be Happy now 🙂
With all the drastic changes in our lives over the last 18 months, you may feel depleted and on edge. You may feel totally disconnected, unfulfilled, and unsatisfied with your current life circumstances.
It has been a wild year so far, and we are not through it yet. If you are ready to make a shift towards Happiness and Peace, join us for The Path to Happy Virtual Event and learn The Happy Method™.
If you want to create your Best Life filled with happiness, peace, freedom, and prosperity you are going to have to create the consciousness for them first.
The Path To Happy virtual event is designed to get you back to Happy and keep that high vibration going forever. It will inspire you to reach big goals and make your dreams come true. The Happy Method™ is an all-encompassing approach to creating your best life.
The Happy Method™ is all about:
Reprogramming your mind for Gratitude
Letting go of negative beliefs and attitudes
Raising your energy and attracting joy
You may feel stuck, uncertain, and confused right now.
You may have watched The Secret, read books on how to be happy, and have attended other events and still have not created the income you desire, the business you have always wanted, or inner peace.
If you’re ready to raise your happiness and peace consciousness once and for all to make a lasting change around your levels of happiness and become successful in all areas of your life, the The Path To Happy virtual event is for you.
You might be wondering why me. Why now. What makes this event different?
It took me about 15 years to figure out how to be happy consistently, I used to have panic attacks and debilitating depression. Not Anymore, Not For 10 years.
I found the formula for happiness and want to share it with you so you can experience joy and peace for no reason at all.
There is a path to happiness and I am going to show you. If happiness and peace is what you seek I will give you the map.
I‘ve put it all into the 5 pillars of The Happy Method™ that, if applied to your daily life, will get you to Happy fast!
At The Path To Happy virtual event, you’ll learn the 5 Pillars of The Happiness Method™
Lead your Life
Destroy Procrastination
Action is the Key to Success
Data not Drama
Spiritual Devotion
Meditation Installations:
100x Your Love Installation
100x Your Abundance Installation
These are proven meditations to increase the love and abundance in your life now. You don’t want to miss out on this, as I rarely share these powerful meditations outside my private group.
With the combination of The Happy Method™ and these powerful 100x Meditations, you will take your happy consciousness to a whole new level.
The more conscious you are that your happiness comes from one source, and the more conscious you are of that source, the more happy you will be.
You’re going to learn how to become the person you need to be to easily and effortlessly accomplish your goals.
The Path To Happy virtual event will give you the energy & mindset shift you need to become the most happy and peaceful person you know.
Spiritual entrepreneurs, business owners, solopreneurs, and spiritual people if you are ready to get out of your own way and let The Happy Method™ take you to new levels of Joy, Prosperity, and Peace.
What Will Happen at The Event
Lead Your Life
Leadership is the most valuable commodity on the planet. And If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, coach, healer or person you are going to have to lead. And it all starts with leading your own life. Leaders have to know where they are going and I am going to help you get crystal clear on your big vision for life so you can start moving towards it.
Destroy Procrastination
Once you know where you are going, you’re going to have to make the decision to get there and have the stick-to-it-ness to overcome obstacles and challenges that will appear on the path. Procrastination is never far away. We will destroy it.
Action is the Key to Success
You just can not get around this one, if you want to lead your life and create your dreams it is going to take massive action both internally and externally. During the event we will break it down and create the action plan.
Data not Drama
We will reprogram your mind to focus on the data, and to take your emotions out of it. You will still have emotions, you will learn how to be the observer of those emotions and not the unconscious reactor to those emotions. This way you can keep your attention on the data and actions that need to be taken.
Spiritual Devotion
If you learn to put spirit before everything else, then everything else in your life will work. Your true self is never ending happiness, peace and joy. Your true self is already free. The key is to connect and come to know what you really are. During The Path to Happy virtual event you will connect deeply with your inner happy.
Powerful Meditation
100x Your Love Installation
You will open your heart more than ever before, you will experience a deep sense of peace and energetic healing. All your problems can be positively influenced or solved with more Love. No matter what the problem love is the answer.
100x Your Abundance Installation
You will be supercharged with prosperity consciousness, we will go inside your deeper mind and erase programs and beliefs that no longer serve you and replace them with ones that will.
And much more ….
I can’t believe how much better I feel. I was so exhausted and that meditation gave me new energy. Thank you! – Staci
I just want to say thank you again for everything you have helped me through! You are truly inspirational and I am forever thankful. – Celeste
In my humble opinion, David is a generous, inspirational healer and coach with a great sense of humor. His pertinent advice and promising information, to those of us interested and passionate about growing, transforms, thoughts, beliefs, and preconceived notations into doable action. Njoy, enlighten your being, and have some “mind-blowing” fun! Namaste -Stacey
David is an excellent meditation coach and truly gets to the source of your barriers to success. He has guided me to a habit of daily meditation and I have seen my home-based business flourish since beginning with him over the summer. I strongly recommend David if you are struggling with your small business strategies for success. – Dawn
Working with and receiving coaching from David has been valuable in a multitude of ways. I was seeking transformational ways to grow my own coaching business, and David guided me to see that my gifts were there but I was keeping them hidden. Through his practice of meditation and coaching, he led me to see the blocks that were holding me back from my highest potential. David listened and was there to bounce ideas off with complete openness, no judgment, and a voice of one who has experienced what is needed to move through the blocks in order to successfully win whatever endeavor in life you are looking to fulfill. -Deb
David’s meditation and business coaching are propelling me to the next level. Thank you! Thank you David! -Karen
If you are ready for a direct connection to the source with rapid positive change in your life, you might want to work with David Sandercott. The easiest and most vivid way for me to express my experience while meditating with David, for only a few weeks is to make the analogy of going through open-heart surgery. It feels as if, in every session, my heart opens, and my spirit shines her light into all the hidden places where plaque build-up and blockages reside. At the end of each gathering, I am left feeling as if new blood is pumping unrestricted through my veins. My heart, mind, and soul beating in rhythm with a higher power. While personally seeking to live in oneness, the result has been an easier and shorter workday (going with the flow), and a love for life and what I am becoming increases with each new morning. -Pamela
What’s Included?
At The Path To Happy virtual event, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of The Happy Method™ 5 pillars. These are tools you will have for the rest of your life and will raise your happiness consciousness exponentially.
Value $2,997.00
At The Path To Happy virtual event, you’ll receive two meditation installations that will permanently uplift your energy. When you go to the next level of consciousness, that next level is always available to you.
100x Your Love Installation
100x Your Abundance Installation
Value $997.00
At The Path To Happy you’ll gain new success secrets and power programs that will change your life in big ways each time you practice them.
Value $997.00
At The Path To Happy there will be so many subtle shifts and tips that you’ll pick up At The Path To Happy there will be so many subtle shifts and tips that you’ll pick up list all of the many benefits you’ll gain!
Total Value $4,997.00
The Path To Happy Virtual Event
Taking a leap of faith and investing in yourself can be hard.
I want to make it easy for you. I don’t want anything to hold you back from joining this powerful 1-day event and reaping the years of happiness and peace that will follow. Here’s a special price to the The Path To Happy virtual event when you join now:
Hi There 🙂
David Sandercott here Spiritual Business Coach and Meditation Teacher and Best Selling Amazon author that has been featured on Fox and ABC.
I have been fortunate enough to be helping people for over 20 years now, My first Coaching experience was when I was 22 and I got hired as the assistant wrestling coach at Grosse Pointe North High School.
About a year before that a good friend of mine looked me straight in the eye and said, “Fat, Drunk and Stupid is no way to go through life Dave!”
It hit me like a ton of bricks, and I could not deny it. Shortly after that, I made major changes in my life. I got sober, got ripped, discovered I was not stupid, and decided to be the world’s shortest high fashion model at 5’3”. Something that was considered impossible.
Yet in less than 3 years I was featured in six pages of Vogue Magazine alongside supermodel Kate Dillion. How did I do that?
I am going to share with you how at The Path To Happy Virtual Event. So you can do anything you make up your mind to do.
After that amazing experience, I knew I had to find a way to coach people beyond sports and fitness. It has been a long journey that brought me to the depths of hell (literally) and back.
And I am so looking forward to sharing with you the best of the best stuff I have learned in this over 20-year journey.
Learn how to BE HAPPY by letting go of negative beliefs and attitudes, raising your energy, and creating a happy consciousness.